2012년 3월 15일 목요일

Holden's plight derives from him simply being a misanthrope and or a hypocrite?

There are reasons why Holden thinks the way he thinks. He's like Jay Gatsby in the Great Gatsby. They are both so stuck in the past, and they can't accept change. Holden can't accept change, there's so many bad changes that has happened in his life, he doesn't want anymore. Allie's death is a big impact in his life, especially because he puts Allie up on a pedestal. He is constantly talking about Allie. In one of our discussion sessions, someone said that Phoebe is more mature than Holden because she has truly accepted the fact that Allie is dead. Holden still talks to himself and pretends to be talking to Allie. Also, when Holden is standing outside the museum he mentions he cannot go inside. He is scared that his perception of the museum of when he was a little kid will change. He might think the museum isn't as fascinating anymore and that magic has disappeared. He also tired of corruption and tarnishing the youth with filthy ideas. He doesn't want the younger generation to be corrupted, he likes the thought of remaining pure. He likes things to stay put, and it refers my other reason for Holden being depressed is that he doesn't like change. It's like people with OCD, one thing out of place, it upset them and it has to be put back exactly the way it was in the first place. Holden easily gets attached to those little moments that use to make him happy, and he can't learn to move on. I understand Holden's mindset because nostalgia drags me back to the past. Past filled with memories, that I wish that I can relive. But in a way if you think about it, the past made you the person you are today in the present. There's a reason why the past is the past and the present is the present.