2011년 9월 19일 월요일

Tone Difference

Theme for English B's tone is more soother, whereas the tone for Hair is regretful and angry. Langston Hughes is more accepting and he understands the culture clashes. He also knows that he doesn't have to change in order to fit into society's image of perfect. In his poem he says, "As I learn from you, I guess you learn from me. " I like that line because it shows how this whole world is somewhat connected. Two different races with different ideas and thoughts, but so much to learn about each other. Malcolm X realizes later in the story and he regrets self- degrading himself and he was already perfectly fine just the ways he was before he got his hair transformed. He doesn't like the fact that he endured so much pain just to be someone who he doesn't need to be. Getting sucked in what is considered pretty can destroy a person's perspective on image and that being beautiful is a set of rules you have to follow. It was upsetting to both authors but they coped through it in different tones and methods.

댓글 2개:

  1. I agree with almost everything you mentioned on your post. Yes, Langston Hughes was a lot more accepting about his skin color than Malcolm X, who even went through so much pain just to fit into a "typical white person." I liked reading your post, especially because I really like one of the sentences that you wrote, "Two different races with different ideas and thoughts, but so much to learn about each other." I like the idea of learning something new from someone different because that really happens in our lives. Although most of my friends and I are Asians, we are definitely not the same people. We have been raised in different environments and thus we're very different. That is probably the reason why they can teach me things that I never knew about. They went through some experiences that I have not yet. That one sentence that you wrote not only fits into the writings of the two authors but to us as well. (166 words)

  2. In your blogopst, I liked how you used the description word 'soother' for the tone of Theme of English B. I definitely agree with what you said about the two different tones. Langston Hughes sounded calm and relaxed while Malcolm X sounded angry and frustrated. I also thought that Hughes accepted the fact that he was an African American, but Malcolm endured pain to fit in with white standards. I also liked reading your quote talking about how two different races have different ideas and thoughts and learn from each other. I thought it was meaningful and it helped me to understand how being in a different culture was not something bad.
